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Writer's pictureJohn Bettini


Depending on where you are in the world, you are at least eight weeks into an experience, which is new to all of us. COVID19, Corona, Lockdown, Shelter-in-Place, Home Office, Exit Plans, are all terms which are defining pretty much everything -  for dare I say - all of humankind - these days.

In hindsight, it's to no one's surprise that concerts, conferences, trade shows, and other large group gatherings were the first to be generally stopped, and will likely be the last to come back, potentially only once a vaccine finally will have been found. If anything is clear (to us), then that we're a long way from "normal", whatever that even means. Having said all that, not communicating is not an option, whether it's with employees, partners, or clients. We all need information in order to continue our lives, stay healthy, and provide for our families.

It's in this spirit that we're helping companies everywhere to take their canceled events from physical spaces to meaningful, digital experiences. New products are launched, new strategies need to be communicated, health & safety instructions need to be cascaded, new partnerships are being formed - all of this is relevant information, which needs to be shared, discussed, and engaged with.

Many times, I get the question "How do we do that? What technology do we use?" While the answer is longer than a blog post, I'd like you to remember two things:

  1. Technology is secondary, while the story arch, the scripting, and the visuals are key. With going digital, you have just left the world of on-stage theatre and entered the world of on-screen television - with all the quality expectations and challenges that  come with it

  2. One size does not fit all unless you want to disappear in mediocrity. Some need an inspired CEO message and others may want 2,000 employees to rotate through 15 breakout sessions for training. Or, how about a way to showcase your latest products in an augmented or mixed reality environment. 

Our April/May showcase highlights how Commvault ran its annual kick-off meeting as a live, interactive broadcast, engaging more than 1,000 employees worldwide. 4 days of programming including general session and regional workshops. We partnered with Commvault to write, script, create, develop, send out recording kits, direct, post-produce, and package the entire program from beginning to end.

No executive left her/his home and no producer, writer, director met the client in person during this project.

Here's the supercut. And here's #commvaultReady on Twitter:

Stay healthy out there and keep communicating!

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